Wear Your Heart on Your... Face?

6:00:00 PM

Hello Everyone!

As you should all know by now, I love playing around with makeup and trying crazy different looks. A little while ago I wanted to do something inspired by all the tragic attacks that have been happening recently, so I created a 'crying hearts' look. It was super fun to do and I was quite happy with the outcome.

I used a red lipliner and lipstick to create the shape of the hearts, outlined these with black eyeliner and added some highlight with my glitter eyeliner. I used some soft pink shades on my eye and a rose gold pigment to create a cut crease, and defined this by using black eyeliner. I wore soft, wispy lashes and used a pink blush for a romantic, pink effect. I used a dark and light pink on my lips to create an ombre effect, and added some highlighter to the middle. 

And there you have it! I hope you guys enjoyed this quick little photoblog!

Lots of Love,


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