Cute Clothes and Brand New Brushes

6:00:00 PM

Hi Everyone!

I recently did a bit of online shopping and so did my mom, who bought me one of those oval brush sets. I thought I'd do a quick post showing you guys what I got, and maybe do a little review later on.

I'd never shopped at missguided before, but I'd heard so many good things about it, and as I needed some clothes for my upcoming holiday to Vegas, I decided to give it a try. They have SO many cute things -especially in the Holiday shop- but I tried to contain myself a bit and only ended up buying 4 things: 3 dresses and a bikini. Two of the dresses didn't fit quite right, so I just ended up with one cute Bardot style going out dress, and one new bikini (as all my old ones seem to have magically disappeared). 

 €29.26, available here
both photos belong to
€37.24, available here 

I love the new oval brushes, and was pining over the Artis ones for ages, but realized spending that much money at once would not exactly be a very mature/financially responsible decision (I'm an adult now you see, so I have to think about things like that. Lame, I know.), however somehow my mom thought that a set like that would be a great present for me- even though I never even talked to her about the brushes.. that's just how in sync we are! She saw this link on facebook for an oval brush set that was on sale, and even though I always warn her about facebook links (hello virus, hello scam), she actually did research and read a bunch of reviews before buying them. I've raised her well.
photo courtesy of
$39.99, available here 

The clothes look really cute (pictures from Vegas will definitely not be staying in Vegas, I will be posting them on instagram so you can see the full look), and the brushes actually feel really nice for a less expensive brand, so I can't wait to test them and review them on here!

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!


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