New Year, New Blog

2:42:00 PM

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my new and improved blog. My suave, sexy, sleek, stylish blog.

Okay maybe not really. It's not that amazing. I spent 3 hours trying to find a pretty template online and spent another hour trying to change all the fonts. I can be quite technologically challenged sometimes.

The reason for this "big change" is that I am getting serious. I'm like, a real adult now, and real adults don't have blogs with swirly backgrounds and pictures of themselves when they were 17. They have white backgrounds and underline their titles to add urgency and style.

However, this blog is and always will be my baby, and it wouldn't really be mine if I started writing all serious and boring. I still want this blog to be fun and to make you giggle (or roll your eyes if you think I'm lame- just anything to get a reaction out of you really) and I want to write about things that interest me and that I'm thinking about. They'll just be a lot more makeup related because that's where my head is now. I study makeup, I work in makeup, I eat makeup, breathe makeup, sleep makeup. You know, just like every other MUA really.

What I'm trying to say is get ready for some cool new posts with some fancy pictures and amazing artistry, but don't worry because they'll still be written by the same weirdo.

That guy I keep locked in my basement and writes all my posts for me in exchange for food and water. He'll still be here.

And I hope you will too!

Love always,


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