Deer oh deer

4:34:00 PM

Hello everyone!

As some of you may already know, I've recently started a media makeup and special effects course in Bradford, and I've been here for nearly a month now. I've been having a great time so far and loving all my lessons, and it feels so good and so RIGHT to finally be doing what I love.

This weekend I went to a party called CARNAGE, which was a club crawl all over Bradford. Even though I'm not a big party goer, I really wanted to go to this one as it was fancy dress- and you know a makeup student is NEVER gonna miss out on anything where they can go out wearing crazy makeup without getting judged. 

I love trying out new things with makeup that aren't necessarily every day, so obviously fancy dress parties are like  a dream to me. 


I apologize, I got a bit overexcited there. Anyway. Back to business.

So this party was animal themed, and I knew there were going to be about 100 cats/lions/tigers so I wanted to do something different, but because it was a party I still wanted to do something pretty. 

Thanks to the wonderful world of Pinterest, I ended up with the idea of doing a deer look, which is quite simple and subtle, while still pretty and feminine (thanks to big eyes and flirty fluttery eyelashes.

I was so dedicated to this look that I STUCK TWIGS INTO MY HAIR. Yeah. That's right. Dirty twigs from outside. DEDICATION.

Anyway, I started off with basic foundation and eyebrows and a nice little brown/white shimmery eyeshadow. I put some shadow a little bit under my eye and created some depth by using different shades of brown to create the idea of a new eye shape. I filled in the gap between my real eye and new edge with white eyeliner and shadow. 

For an authentic deer look, I added white spots on my a cheekbones and temples, and rather that using contour under my cheekbones and blusher in my cheeks, I just used a light shade I contour on my cheeks and a darker shade following my cheeks from my ears to my nose for a light contour. I added a beautiful new shimmery highlight I got at illamasqua called Furore on right under my eyes.

For the nose I just used two Mac eyeshadow so, a lighter one for the shading and a similar one in a tone darker for the lines connecting the eyebrows to the top of the nose. For the nose I used Mac eyeshadow Carbon and some eyeliner to clean up the edges and to prevent fading. I used a light balm stain by revlon on my lips and topped of with some Vegas Nay fake eyelashes in shining star!

My friend Lauren went as a giraffe and she looked wicked, and we had a lovely time- despite the fact we were some of the few that bothered dressing up.

So what do you guys think? As usual, let me know in the comments and I'll talk to you soon!!


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