I've Fallen In Love...

2:10:00 PM

Hi Everyone!

Long time no see- sorry I've been MIA for the last few months but I've been back at home which means I've spent most of my time working and trying not to fall into a deep black hole of either boredom or depression. (I've also done loads of fun stuff with the fam but that doesn't fit into my aesthetic of MAJOR DRAMAQUEEN- you know).

Anyway, I have a bunch of things that I've been loving this summer and am definitely going to write blogs about, but today I need to focus on something serious- I have fallen deeply, madly in love...


Okay, right, I know the title of this post may have been a tad misleading, but whatever. If I could fly to Vegas tomorrow and marry this pair of sunnies, I would.

Here's our Meet-Cute: I was strolling on Tumblr one particularly boring day, and found this really cool gif of a really rad girl that was 100% my aesthetic (oh yeah, 'aesthetic' is my new thing. Everything I find remotely appealing is part of my 'aesthetic'. I'm sure if I made a moodboard of everything in my 'aesthetic' it would just be a complete mess of random things and would NOT be aesthetically pleasing at all. But whatever. Deal with it.).

source: dollskill.tumblr.com

The thing I liked most of this particular gif, however, was the sunglasses she was wearing. I did a little bit of online investigation (okay, maybe not that much. I mean the link was directly underneath the pic. But I still had to find them on the website. That was kinda hard), and found out they were by a brand called WILDFOX.  In proper pictures (rather than aesthetically pleasing gifs) they're still SO BLOODY GORGEOUS.

source: http://www.dollskill.com/la-femme-2-sunglasses.html

 They're only $170 and I would have totally gotten them if they weren't out of stock (ahem), because I'm definitely not a poor student who can barely afford a warm meal let alone a pair of $170 sunglasses (ahem ahem).

So for now I guess I'll spend my days fantasizing about the most beautiful sunglasses I've ever seen in my life all the while on the hunt for rich men I can marry that are either gorgeous and successful (Harry Styles) or nearly dying and going to leave me all their money. (Just kidding) (But not really).

Hugs and Kisses!

P.S. If Dolls Kill or Wildfox want to give me these glasses for free because I gave them such a raving review, I would be totally okay with that.

P.P.S. If one of my readers want to donate these glasses to me, I would be totally okay with that.

P.P.P.S If you're one of the lucky bastards who can afford to buy amazing sunglasses in this price category and have good taste, I would recommend checking out Dolls Kill and Wildfox (they both do really lovely clothes/accessories/shoes etc as well).

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